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Eemil Karila (1978), currently based in Rovaniemi Finland.
" I have worked in various mediums in my art and the subject usually defines the technique of the art work. Art means for me mostly learning. Through creation I learn techniques and ways to express myself, but also discipline and philosophy of life, that many times humiliates me in front of the canvas called life."
CV: Welcome
Curriculum Vitae
Eemil Karila
Born 1978, Rovaniemi.
Lives and works in Berlin
Oldenburger Straße 3a
10551 Berlin
06-08 Academy of Arts in Finland, Helsinki
97-02 Academy of Arts in Estonia, Tallinn
99-00 Instituto de Artes Plasticas de Armando Reveron, Caracas, Venezuela
Solo exhibitions
2022 Landings, Makasiini Contemporary, Turku, Finland
2021 Wasteland, Makasiini Contemporary, Turku, Finland
2021 Coming Home, Gallery Tuula Y, Rovaniemi, Finland
2020 The Simple Sense of existence, Salon Dahlmann, Miettinen Collection, Berlin, Germany
2019 Retour à la nature, Gallery A2, Helsinki, Finland
2018-19 Arbitrary landscapes of the soul
, Galleria Valo, Arktikum, Rovaniemi, Finland
2016-17 All We Can Hope is a Beautiful End, Korundi studio, Rovaniemi Art
Museum, Rovaniemi, Finland
2016 All We Can Hope is a Beautiful End, Galleria Orton, Helsinki, Suomi
2014 Kingdom Fall, GSL-Projekt, Berliini, Saksa
2014 Rua Luiz de Camoes 68, Centro Municipal de Arte de Helio Oiticica, Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil
2013 Crellestraße 44, Musterzimmer, Berlin, Germany
2011 Alte Schönhauser Straße 26, Suvi Lehtinen Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2010 One Night Stand, Tammen Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2010 Eemil Karila Kunst Museum, Estonian Contemporary Art Museum,
Tallinn, Estonia
2009 Surface Values, Program Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2009 ARTSCAPE, Gallery Vartai, Vilnius, Lithuania
2007 Bar9, Helsinki, Finland
2006-07 ”How to seduce a cynic?”, Gallery Mältinranta, Tampere, Finland
2006-07 “Fart in a Sahara”, Aine Art Museum, C.S.C.A.A., Tornio, Finland
2005 - 2006 touring exhibition arranged by the Oulu regional art museum, Finland
2006 ”Selected works”, finnish institute in Oslo, Norway
2006 “Vergangenheitsbewältigung” Helsinki Art Museum, gallery Kluuvi,
Helsinki, Finland
2005-06 MADE IN LAPLAND, Galleria Jangva, C.S.C.A.A. (Eemil Karila & Kalle
Lampela), Helsinki, Finland
2005 ”POST OFFICE”, Linnagalleria, Tallinn, Estonia
2005 Finlandsinstitutet gallerii, Stockholm, Sweden
2004 “ Jingle! ”, C.S.C.A.A., Gallery Titanik, Turku, Finland
2004 “GLOBAL HOME”, Painters Unions gallery, Helsinki, Finland
2004 “trans air”, transformers, Viinistu Art museum, Estonia
2004 “EXERCISE”, Contemporary Santa Claus artist association, gallery napa,
Rovaniemi, Finland
2004 “titled”, gallery Rajatila, Tampere, Finland
2003 “titled”, gallery napa, Rovaniemi, Finland
2003 “Eemil from Lapland”, Tallinn city gallery, Estonia
2002 ”Transformers, jesus and angel”, Jazz gallery, Pärnu, Estonia
2002 ”Transformers”, gallery of Art Academy, Tallinn, Estonia
2000 Sala Austria, Caracas, Venezuela
Selected group exhibitions
2018 New Materialism, Fata Morgana, Berlin, Germany
2015 We are all born naked and the rest is drag, Fahrbereitsaft, Berlin,
2015 Out of the Box, Art Museum of Kuntsi, Vaasa, Finland
2014 Winter Collage, Meinblau, Berliini, Saksa
2014 AV-Arkki 25-vuotisjuhlanäytös, Vino-Kino sarja, Helsinki, Turku,
Tampere, Jyväskylä ja Oulu
2014 Lousseau Presents, Berlin Art Week, Ballhaus Ost, Berlin, German
2014 HKI1952, Trostraße 66, Berlin, Germany
2014 Black Market, L7 galleria, Berlin, Germany
2014 Miehet, onko tunteita?, Men, any feelings? Art Museum of Tampere,
2013 Tekijänoikeudella, Helsinki Showroom, Helsinki, Finland
2013 WRO 15th Media Art Biennale, Wroclaw, Poland
2012 Maalauksia/Paintings, WIP-Konsthalle, Stockholm, Sweden
2012 Everyday Pornography, Berlin biennale, Berlin, Germany
2012 Muu-Ry 10-vuotta, Muu-galleria, Helsinki, Finland
2012 Art is so gay, Forum Box, Helsinki, Finland
2012 C.S.C.A.A., cooking performance, Rovaniemen Taidemuseo, Rovaniemi,
2012 Antidote, Muu-galleria, Helsinki, Suomi
2012 ModernTimesTalking, Suomesta gallery, Berlin, Germany
2011 Lapin taika, Magic of Lapland, Ateneum, Helsinki, Finland
2011 Antidote 2, Körner Park galerie, Berliini, Saksa
2011 Beyond private and public, Galleries Katve, Kajo and Lume, University of
Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland
2011 Little white lies, Aubin Gallery, London, UK
2011 Metrospective, Program Galleria, Berlin, Germany
2010 Artists association of Lapland, Cable Factory, Helsinki, Finland
2010 Art goes kapakka, Club YK, Helsinki, Finland
2010 Mind the box, Berlin, Germany
2009-10 Ban-Parents Art Biennial, Travelling exhibition from: Oslo, Tråmso,
Rovaniemi, Murmansk, Moscow and Helsinki
2009 Smart, Christmas viewing, Gallery Korjaamo, Helsinki Finland
2008 ”Souvenirs”, Gallery S12, Bergen, Norway
2008 New Works, Gallery Fafa, Helsinki
2008 Todella Siistiä, Rauman Taidemuseo, Rauma
2007 ”Piirustusluokka”, Taidehalli, Helsinki
2007 ”Nulle terre sans seigneur ”, C.S.C.A.A., University of Lapland, part of
methodological research seminar “Locations of Emancipation”,
University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland
2007 ”Souvenirs”, Svolvær Lofooten, Norway
2007 ”Constructing the identitty”, Hornsey galllery, London, UK
2007 ”Lecture of contemporary art”, Keminmaa county office, Keminmaa,
2007 Mäntän kuvataideviikot, Mänttä Art Festival, Mänttä , Finland
2007 Ars Kärsämäki, Kärsämäki, Finland
2007 “Collage”, Oulu Art museum, C.S.C.A.A., Oulu, Finland
2007 “Minä haluaisin olla koira”, “I would want to be a dog”, Rauma Art
Museum, Rauma, Finland
2006 “LEFT”, Kiila ry:s 80th anniversary exhibition, Art hall, Helsinki, Finland
2006 “Masters of the university”, Academy gallery, Helsinki, Finland
2006 ”Permission to grow old”, Hobusepea gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
2006 Pikasso, Art Supermarket, Helsinki, Finland
2005 Mäntän kuvataideviikot, Mänttä Art Festival, Mänttä , Finland
2005 110. annual Finlands artists exhibition, Helsinki Art hall, Finland
2004 “Rajaton”, national drawing exhibition, Joensuu Art museum, Finland
1.prize (C.S.C.A.A., Eemil Karila & Kalle Lampela)
2004 “Kesänapa” Summer exhibition Laplands Artists´ Association, gallery
napa, Rovaniemi, Finland
2003 “Kesänapa”, Summer exhibition Laplands Artists´ Association
2002 ”Autoportree”, Theatre gallery, Pärnu, Estonia
2002 Exhibition of diploma works, Art Museum of Tallinn, Estonia
2003 ”Den Store Elg utstillingen, Telemark Fylkesgallerii, Nodtodden, Norge
2003 “Old and new Art”, Art Museum of Kerava, Finland
2003 ”ARS Arctica”, Art Museum of Rovaniemi, Finland
2002 ”Artist union of Lapland in Kerava”, Art Museum of Kerava, Finland
2002 ”Drawing 2002”, Annual exhibition of Graphic Union of Estonia, Art Hall
of Tallinn, Estonia
2002 ”Old and young”, Residence of Albu, Estonia
2002 ”Painters Union of Estonia, Annual exhibition, Art Hall of Tallinn, Estonia
2013 Art Council of Finland for artistic practice
2012 Finnish Culture Fund, for artistic practice
2012 Art Council of Finland project grant
2011 Art Council of Finland project grant
2010 Kordelin Foundation, for artistic practice and for material costs
2010 Culture Contact NORD, mobility fund
2010 Finnish Culture Fund, for artistic practice
2010 Art council of Lapland, for artistic practice
2010 Art Council of Finland, project grant
2009 Foundation of Niilo Helander, for artistic practice
2009 Art Council of Finland, for artistic practice
2008 Finnish Culture Fund (Lapland region), for artistic practice
2008 Visek, project grant
2007 Lapland Art Council, for artistic practice
2006 Valtos´ foundation, project grant
2006 Finnish Culture Fund (Lapland region), for artistic practice
2006 Lapland Art Council (residence grant)
2005 Finnish Culture Fund, for artistic practice
2004 Art Council of Finland (material costs)
2004 Lapland Art Council (1/2 year grant), for artistic practice
2004 Finnish Culture Fund (one year grant), for artistic practice
2003 Paulo Foundation (for exhibition activity)
2003 Finnish Culture Fund (one year grant), for artistic practice
University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland
- AV-Arkki, The distribution Centre for Finnish Media Art
- Finnish Painters’ Union
- Artists’ Association of Lapland
- Kuvasto ry
- Finnish cultural Foundation, Lapland county collection, Rovaniemi Art Museum
- Jenny and Antti Wihuri´s Foundations collection, Rovaniemi Art Museum
- Aune Laaksonen Foundation, Art Museum of Kerava
- The Aine Art Museum, Tornio, Finland
- Miettinen Collection, Helsinki/Berlin
CV: Resume
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